UTA Black Belt Grading

UTA Black Belt Grading

UTA Black Belt Grading

22nd September 2024

On 22nd September 2024, 19 dedicated students from various UTA clubs gathered for an intense and challenging Black Belt grading session. The day began with a pre-grading training session, allowing participants to sharpen their skills and prepare for the rigorous testing ahead.

Throughout the grading, the students were tested across multiple disciplines, including their theory, patterns, set sparring, free sparring, 2 v 1 free sparring, and breaking techniques. Each student gave their all, demonstrating their abilities and commitment to achieving the next level in their martial arts journey.

After a demanding day of focus and effort, all 19 participants were successful in passing their grading, marking a significant milestone in their progression within the UTA. Congratulations to all on this remarkable achievement!